Personal Spot Welder Yokodai.JPYokodaiJPYokodaiJP���S�X�y�[�XYokodaiJP

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Principle of Spot Welding

Our welder's Capability

How-To-Use Our welder

Welding Stainless Steel

Thermocouple Welding

Welding with Nickel Plates

Welding with Metals
e.g. Aluminum, Steel, Phospate Bronze

Product Comparison


Spot Welder HSW-01A

Spot Welder HSW-02A

Spot Welder HSW-03

Optional Accessories

Recommended Packages

Nickel Plates

Price and Purchase

User's Voice

F A Q (General)


Yokodai.JP Personal Spot Welder  WELDING CAPABILITY
How thick are the metals
Yokodai.JP Desk Spot Welder can weld?

Desk spot welder, in consideration for safety, uses low voltage and small current?thus it can only be used to weld thin metals. Depending on the model, it is able to weld stainless steel wire up to 1.5 mm in diameter, or nickel plate up to 0.15mm in thickness. (However, the current flowing in the metals reaches from hundreds to thousands ampere)

Can Yokodai.JP Desk Spot Welder
weld any kind of thin metals?

Using desk spot welder, depending on the way of using the electrodes, stainless steel or nickel up to 1mm is possible to weld. Gold and silver, copper, aluminum and other metals which are easily electrified, the welding thickness is limited under 0.3mm. For aluminum foil, the limit is around 100mm.
The table below shows the materials which are possible to weld and assumpted various use of Yokodai.JP spot welder. However, since the material's surface condition and structure affect the welding process, we cannot guarantee the welding possibility of a material.
For more detailed function comparison, please click HERE.

Photo :  Thermocouple
Thermocouple 0.65 to 0.025mm (in the picture: Chromel-Alumel 0.3)

Photo : Welding Stenless steel wire

Welding with stainless steel wire 1.6 mm in diameter

Stainless steel wire up to 1.5 mm (in diameter)
Copper wire up to 0.3 mm (in diameter)
Brass wire up to 0.3 mm (in diameter)
Platinum wire up to 0.2 mm (in diameter)
Iron wire


Thermocouple O
Stainless steel plate up to 0.5 mm (in thickness)
Nickel plate up to 0.15 mm (in thickness)
Aluminum foil up to 100 ��m (0.1mm)
Stainless steel mesh O
Stainless steel fiber O
- Making of handicrafts which do not endanger living things, making of prototype
- Making of battery pack
(Computer, Radio Controller, Car, Tool, etc)
- Stainless crafts, hobby

- For laboratory purposes
- Welding in short amount of time
-Thermocouple or other thin junction
-Welding heat insulators

Welding stenress mesh
Welding with stainless steel mesh

Welding stenless cylinder
Making a cylinder with stainless steel 0.3mm in thickness

What are the materials which are not
possible to weld with Yokodai.JP Desk Spot Welder?

It is not possible to do welding processes which require large-scale spot welder such as welding parts into a car�fs body or welding bolts into aluminum chassis of a device.

Please send to the address below a self-addressed envelope stamped with 80 Yen stamp.
We will send two types of samples in an A4 template.
Sample contents are subject to change without prior notice.
Postal Code 234-0053
Yokodai.JP Sample Division
Yoshida Basement 2-21-15 Hinochuo, Kounan-ku, Yokohama Kanagawa JAPAN

Welding sample

1. 0.3 mm Stainless steel wire (HSW-01A)
2. 0.9 mm Stainless steel wire (HSW-01A)
3. HSW-N12 Nickel plate + 0.45 mm Stainless steel plate (HSW-01A)
4. 0.9 mm Stainless wire + 0.3 mm Cu wire (HSW-02)
0.45 mm Stainless steel plate + 0.45 mm Stainless steel plate (HSW-02)
6. HSW-N25 Nickel plate + 0.45mm Stainless plate (HSW-02)

Welding sample
SAMPLE 2 ��e

1. Stainless plate 0.3 mm in thickness
  (HSW-02A + HSW-W2)
2. Stainless steel mesh 0.15��13/cm
(HSW-02A + EB1 + PC1)
3. Stainless plate 0.1mm in thickness - copper plate 0.15mm in thickness
(HSW-02A + HSW-EB1)
4. Aluminum plate 0.1mm in thickness
5. Stainless plate 0.1mm in thickness